Thursday, December 9, 2010

He's Right...

Not our National Security article informs us all of our United States congress and the forming 112th this year coming up. My colleague writes on what congress is and what it is suppose to do. He writes on our problems and how “Their performance in national security has been declining over the past 30 years due to our country's diverse political background and globalization.” He tells us how there responsible for our nation’s security, and he answers yes we the people can do something to help Congress contribute to our national security. All we have to do is all write letters to Congress about the issues affecting our country. He makes a great and valid point when he says Society as a whole needs to become more involved in our government because the policies made by officials affects our life everyday. This article helps me realize that once Congress changes there ways then there after our country can become one again.

Not our National Security

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Come on Dudes...

   If our founding four fathers took a look at our government they would say dudes chill, i think back then they were a laid back govenment that knew life was about living not rules and i dont belive there would be many laws back than to now. Our government should just take a breath and start over.

   Yep Our Government is over thinking problems that can make their people of the United States happy. There are many more issues in what we are spending our money towards and time on that can make a difference. To me there are so many things our president Barrack Obama might be thinking he is doing right to helping us but really doing the opposite with his decisions. I believe that if we look, study and focus more on helping to get the economy back to where we had it and the things the U.S. people want we will be back on the right track. Then maybe than we can later focus on other things that’s distracting us from the main problem. Some things the government could do to get us back on track for us would be trying to end the war second drop all talks of rescission and get us back to the state of being the strongest country in the world that everyone has to be apart of.

Friday, November 12, 2010

So much for…renewable energy??

I agree with my classmate on his view in going green. Because I believe that going green can help us all not just as being a better nation but a better world. He gives good evidence on what needs to be pointed out so when people read it they can understand. He tells us how it can help us, and if we have the right plan a lot good can come out of it. So I stand with my classmate that we need to expand our green environment if we start the world starts and in the end we all get the benefit from it.

Friday, October 29, 2010

It’s our Country Right?

The US National government of course to me is over rated but by some certain citizens of the US think different. I’m not saying I don’t like it in this country come on their everything but it has its disadvantages to.  Let’s take it all in we don’t get no say in our country we only have the right to suppose ably vote for who we want to represent us. It’s from governor of state to representatives to senates to the president.  But yet everything has a little twist in it there has to be a catch, that’s what I see. They all lie from the president election to high school president election it’s the same they promise a lot but usually don’t come through and that’s a disappointment because the one you voted for to represent you is not really with you after all. Now let’s say a president we voted for was going to do the things he promised. The representatives can easily vote and change the vote of the state of the president like in the 2000 election. Whatever we want to me they the government doesn’t have to go bye they will change it up in a way that would help them out more than ourselves. Maybe that’s just me but ill argue with anyone that I really do believe there’s a flaw in the system and know that it’s not fair. The United States likes to pull the wool over our eyes all the time and they do it every election and get away with it it’s time to wake up and let them know we know what’s going on.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oh Our Country…

DADT “don’t ask don’t tell” a big discussion that government went on for days and for days. But 48 hours ago from October 14 the federal judge threw it out and was not a law no more. Ad something happen  John Aravosis a blogger who wrote on the americablog was targeting all the audience he could to tell the country how Obama our president broke the law was not just trying to tell gays but the whole country about it. What Obama administration did when a gay vet went to a recruiting station to re-enlist? What they do they turn him away because he was gay. That is a direct violation of a judge's order, it’s breaking the law he sets well examples for everyone doesn’t he if he keeps this up he might not be a bad bush number two one day. I think Aravosis also made me look at it like if our president is breaking the law then what kind of country is this and I bet that how others read it. So I agree with John Aravosis he has a point and his evidence is the government itself specifically telling the Obama administration to stop investigating, discharging and turning away gay service members, and does the opposite in return. He believes that Obama does not want gays in the army, “So to be clear, the President upholds the law of the land on DADT when it hurts gays, and he violates the law of the land on DADT when it helps gays.” (John Aravosis) So what is it he’s trying to say is by the President's actions he seems “anti-gay”.

Aravosis, John. “President Obama's moral authority on DADT went out the window when he broke the law yesterday by ignoring a judge's order.” Americablog. 14 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Oct. 2010.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Austin American Statesmen

Good Morning young minds of America...

In the Austin American Statement on the twenty fifth of September there was an opinion of Obama’s speech in 2008 for students in school and how important it was to stay in school but many school districts in Texas didn’t think it was going to be a good speech for their students so was not watched at all. This author is trying to get across to those Texas school districts that didn’t see last year speech to help change their mind so they would want their students to see Obama’s speech this year. I think his argument is credible and agree with it because he does know what he’s talking about, last year districts didn’t want the schools to see Obama’s speech because they thought it was going to be a speech to try to brainwash schoolchildren around the country. That was not the case it was about kids staying in school so they can become something. This year’s speech was different not in what he says but how many school districts saw it, it was a good out come and more than last year saw the speech. “Obama in 2008 was just heard by some this year officials embraced the speech, and the students were the winners.” They got to see Obama say your destiny is up to you "Nobody gets to write your destiny but you," and many other great quotes like "Your future is in your hands. Your life is what you make of it. And nothing, absolutely nothing is beyond your reach, so long as you're willing to dream big, so long as you're willing to work hard.”(Obama) I think and the author thinks that many kids can take a lot from what he said and will since they saw it and will possibly change their life forever.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

I read in article from USA Today “Study: Voters haven't been there for Dems in primaries” and it was about the US democrats that have not been showing up for the last primary elections this past year. This is important and a big difference from the previous years and does not look good for Obama’s reelection since his party is at an all time low. The article mentions that the reason for the low democrats is because the people never got what they were promised from Obama and are disappointed at this point. This is not the first time this happen in history, the election of 1992 where Bill Clinton won than two years later the republicans ruled over them. This is important article because it lets us know that we the democrats are slipping and need to remain voting to stay on top and in power “even one vote means something”.

USA Today