Thursday, December 9, 2010

He's Right...

Not our National Security article informs us all of our United States congress and the forming 112th this year coming up. My colleague writes on what congress is and what it is suppose to do. He writes on our problems and how “Their performance in national security has been declining over the past 30 years due to our country's diverse political background and globalization.” He tells us how there responsible for our nation’s security, and he answers yes we the people can do something to help Congress contribute to our national security. All we have to do is all write letters to Congress about the issues affecting our country. He makes a great and valid point when he says Society as a whole needs to become more involved in our government because the policies made by officials affects our life everyday. This article helps me realize that once Congress changes there ways then there after our country can become one again.

Not our National Security

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