Thursday, October 14, 2010

Oh Our Country…

DADT “don’t ask don’t tell” a big discussion that government went on for days and for days. But 48 hours ago from October 14 the federal judge threw it out and was not a law no more. Ad something happen  John Aravosis a blogger who wrote on the americablog was targeting all the audience he could to tell the country how Obama our president broke the law was not just trying to tell gays but the whole country about it. What Obama administration did when a gay vet went to a recruiting station to re-enlist? What they do they turn him away because he was gay. That is a direct violation of a judge's order, it’s breaking the law he sets well examples for everyone doesn’t he if he keeps this up he might not be a bad bush number two one day. I think Aravosis also made me look at it like if our president is breaking the law then what kind of country is this and I bet that how others read it. So I agree with John Aravosis he has a point and his evidence is the government itself specifically telling the Obama administration to stop investigating, discharging and turning away gay service members, and does the opposite in return. He believes that Obama does not want gays in the army, “So to be clear, the President upholds the law of the land on DADT when it hurts gays, and he violates the law of the land on DADT when it helps gays.” (John Aravosis) So what is it he’s trying to say is by the President's actions he seems “anti-gay”.

Aravosis, John. “President Obama's moral authority on DADT went out the window when he broke the law yesterday by ignoring a judge's order.” Americablog. 14 Oct. 2010. Web. 14 Oct. 2010.

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